Core Training 

Health benefits :

-strong core muscles make it easier to do many physical activities

-impove muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work in harmony

-improve your balance and stability

-increase the protection ability of the body

-reduce the chance of sustaining injuries

Types of exercise :

Any exercise that involves the use of your abdominal and back muscles in coordinated fashion counts as a core exercise

Guidelines :

-maintain balance and stability

-maintain an appropriate speed for the movements and never go too fast during exercise

-maintain smooth breathing during exercise is a must

-train every part of your body (such as the limbs and the trunk) evenly



• 強大的核心肌肉,使它更容易做很多的體力活動

• 改善骨盆肌肉,腰背部,臀部和腹部協調工作

• 增強平衡與穩定

• 增加身體保護能力

• 減低受傷機會




• 訓練時保持平衡與穩定

• 運動時的動作速度應適中,不宜過快

• 練習時必須保持呼吸暢順

• 平均地訓練身體每一個部分(如四肢和軀幹)

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